The team of the EnTechnon

Foto des Teams
Name Title Function Office Hours E-Mail
Prof. Dr. Chair and Head of Institute Terminvereinbarung über das Sekretariat ( orestis terzidis does-not-exist.kit edu
Academic Staff
Name Activity Responsibilities Telephone E-Mail
PhD Candidate upCAT, lecture entrepreneurship   allen mohammadi does-not-exist.kit edu
Doctoral Student Coordination of seminars andreas kleinn does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate on parental leave    
Research Associate / PhD Candidate ARRTI Project, Coordination of seminars   ann-sophie finner does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate / PhD Candidate ARRTI Project, Student Innovation Lab   christin eckerle does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate     jeanette siegele does-not-exist.kit edu
  on parental leave   katherina kuschel does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Research Associate / PhD Candidate StartUpSecure KASTEL   rahel martjan does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate / PhD Candidate Project EPICUR sascha weimar does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate / PhD Candidate Project STEP   swati bhargava does-not-exist.kit edu
Postdoctoral Researcher Research, Teaching and Innovation Support +49 721 608-48970 alexander tittel does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Associate / PhD Candidate Lecture "Entrepreneurship", Learning Agreements +49 721 608 47308 assany dang does-not-exist.kit edu
PhD student   +49 721 608-47308 fernando bravo does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Research Associate Project controlling, coordination of teaching, Global Horizon Program +49 721 608-48970 tanja himstedt does-not-exist.kit edu
Student assistants
Name Function Phone E-Mail