
The Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management pursues the goal of enabling people to act as responsible entrepreneurs. Here you will find our current events as well as general information about us, our work and our partners.

Hörsaal EnTechnon
Lectures & Seminars

Business Planning
Design Thinking
Summer Schools

Overview of Courses
Foto Forschung entechnon
Research Profile

Design Science Research
Business Models
Entrepreneurship Education

Current Dissertations
Workshops & Coaching

Coaching for Innovation Projects

Accelerator for Scientists


Startup_Paper-AirplanePexels | KindelMedia
Spring Academy on Sustainability 2025: Insights into KIT’s Startup Ecosystem

As part of the Spring Academy on Sustainability, students had the opportunity to explore the diverse startup and innovation landscape at KIT during the "Empowering Student Innovators: Discover KIT’s Startup & Innovation Landscape" excursion.

From student initiatives like Pioniergarage and Enactus, to entrepreneurship education at EnTechnon, and the extensive support programs of Gründerschmiede – participants gained valuable insights into the KIT startup ecosystem. The excursion also introduced Citizen Science Spaces like the Triangel Transfer Kultur Raum, as well as individual startup consulting services.

For students looking to get inspired, take action, or turn their ideas into reality, KIT offers a wide range of support programs. The ARRTI Student Challenge is an exciting opportunity to further develop early-stage business ideas – even alongside studies.

The application for the ARRTI Student Challenge is still open until April 15th.

ARRTI Student Challenge 2025
Venus International Women Award 2025 for Dr. Katherina Kuschel

We at EnTechnon celebrate the remarkable achievement of our colleague Katherina Kuschel Ph.D., who has been honoured with the Venus International Women Award (VIWA) 2025 in the category of Outstanding Woman Researcher in Women Entrepreneurship.


This prestigious recognition highlights Dr. Kuschel’s significant contributions to the study of women’s entrepreneurship, particularly in understanding the challenges women “techpreneurs” face, such as access to funding, team formation, and the bi-directional impact of family life on business growth.


Dr. Kuschel has been invited as a Keynote Speaker at the VIWA 2025 Conference, which took place on March 1, 2025, in Chennai, India. During her keynote address, she shared data supporting the silent growing trend of “Midlife Entrepreneurs”, and the implications for society and policy.


Congratulations Katherina!

More about the Award
Logo EnTechnonKIT
Courses in summer semester 2025

In summer semester 2025, EnTechnon will once again host numerous interesting courses on the topic of "Entrepreneurial thinking and action".


In addition to the Entrepreneurship lecture by Prof. Terzidis, the following seminars are offered:

* Startup Experience
* Joint Entrepreneurship School
* Entrepreneurship Research
* Design Thinking
* Business Planning for Founders (with a new focus on the dynamic world of startup finance)

* Entrepreneurship Basics
* SIL LaunchLab


Further information can be found here, registration for most seminars is possible until 02.04.2025 in the WIWI portal.

Lectures and seminars in SoSe 2025
Prof. Hirth, W. grenke, Prof. TerzidisKIT
Wolfgang Grenke Entrepreneurship Scholarships

New opportunities for young researchers at KIT

Young researchers at KIT will have new funding opportunities in the future. KIT has now concluded a framework agreement with the sponsor and entrepreneur Wolfgang Grenke on scholarships for doctoral students and young researchers in the field of entrepreneurship.

The "Wolfgang Grenke Entrepreneurship Scholarships" will be set up at the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management and Innovation at KIT (EnTechnon) and can be awarded with immediate effect.

Weitere Informationen
Foto Gewinner Gründerpitch
upCAT Alumni wins KIT NEULAND Gründerpitch

The startup catavis, which participated in our upCAT accelerator in 2020, could convince at the KIT NEULAND Gründerpitch and won the 1st place. Additionally, they were awarded by the viewers with the audience award.


Congratulations to Sandra Kröll, Dr. Patrick Bitterwolf and Dr. Ahmed Zoheir!

More information