Exam results and exam inspection
The preliminary exam results have been published in the exam information system of theWIWI Portalpublished.
Please note: Despite the relaxation of the infection control regulations, it is still logistically difficult to offer all students the opportunity to view their exams, especially in the case of large exams. We therefore ask you to take advantage of the opportunity to inspect only if this is of particular urgency for you!
The exam inspection for the summer semester 2025 is expected to take place on 14.07.2025 at the chair EnTechnon, building 01.85 room 511. Possible changes or further information will be announced in the course of the semester.
Registration for the examination is obligatory:
The final exam results will be reported to the Student Office after the exam inspection and can be viewed in the Campus Management System afterwards. Please refrain from inquiries - when the grades will be entered. Responding to inquiries will delay a quick turnaround.
In case of a failed second exam, the invitations for the oral re-examination will be arranged AFTER the exam review (beginning of the following semester).
If you do not have an account in the Wiwi-Portal yet, you can easily register in the Wiwi-Portal with your matriculation number and your e-mail address in order to view the preliminary exam grades and to register for the exam review!
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For international exchange students: Application form for early registration of grade.
International exchange students can this form fill in the form and send it by e-mail to the secretary's office (Mrs. Hertenstein) to express the urgency of uploading the exam results for the Transcript of Records.