zur Person
Anja Wahl holds an MBA in International Management from Nürtingen-Geislingen University (NGU) and works since 2013 at the EnTechnon institute.
She is responsible for the organisation and coordination of Doctoral Entrepreneurship Schools in the university environment and new program formats for researchers interested in entrepreneurship.
Since 2015 she is project manager of international EU-funded Summer Schools focusing on Smart Energy and Business Development.
As research assistant she is involved in the institute`s research process for finding and developing innovative and new pedagogical entrepreneurship concepts with high quality and impact.
She trains selected topics like “Pitching to Investors” to students and summer school participants and supports participating teams in their process by connecting them with industry experts and mentors.
In different assistant positions she supports the head of the institute and other lecturers by preparing seminars, lectures and workshops, collecting all relevant materials and moderating events.