Business Planning for Founders


Course Content: 

In the course Business Planning for Founders, you will be working in interdisciplinary teams on a real-world challenge. The challenge for this semester will be about Chatbots and in the context of privacy risks. To solve the case, you will learn about human-centered design using design thinking methods. These methods will help you develop your own business idea. Building on your idea, you will deploy a business plan and finally present, as a team, the results on the pitch day in front of the seminar participants and a jury.

Information about the seminar:

ONLY ONE of the two options - Business Planning for founders OR Business Planning for founders in the field of IT-Security - can be taken and credited under the in CAS mentioned partial credit, as they cover similar content. Registration must take place in the CAS for the respective examination.

Target group: Master Student

Language of instructionEnglish
Organisational issues

Registration is via the Wiwi-Portal.

In the seminar you will work on a project in teams of max. 5 persons. Team applications are welcome but not a prerequisite for participation. The seminars will be held in English.