Making Money With Softwares As Medical Devices: An Analysis of Revenue Models For Medical Softwares

  • Type:Master's Thesis
  • Date:November 2023
  • Supervisor:

    Rahel Martjan

    Sascha Weimar

  • Interested? Please contact Rahel Martjan:

Making Money With Softwares As Medical Devices: An Analysis of Revenue Models For Medical Softwares

Softwares with a medical purpose, such as medical health apps, are in the race, and at an extreme pace. From physical health issues (fitness, heart, tinnitus, stomach) to mental health issues (stress, burnout, depression) - the variety of medical softwares is huge and rising. The business became more and more lucrative. Softwares with a medical purpose adhere to the requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). In this way they ensure a minimum level of quality and reliability.

The main question of this thesis is: How could a Start-up make money with medical softwares?

Thus, your task is to investigate which revenue models for medical softwares exist in 3-5 countries in the EU and to provide a structured overview of it .

Possible Research Questions (can be adapted to personal interest):

  • Which international (EU-wide) revenue models for medical software providers exist (e.g., reimbursement via insurance company, self-payer, etc.)?
  • Which national (country-specific) revenue models for medical software providers exist?

Further, we are open to your suggestions to contribute to this topic.


  • Interested in digital health and startups
  • Motivated to familiarize yourself with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
  • Good self-organization and communication skills
  • Self-motivated and reliable way of working
  • Self-organized and goal-oriented working mode
  • Bring in your own ideas
  • Work in a structured way
  • Very good English skills as the thesis will be written in English

Methodology (can be adapted)

  • Literature Review, Qualitative Analysis (Interviews), Quantitative Analysis (Questionnaires) as well as Case Study is possible

We offer a challeging research topic, close supervision, and the opportunity to develop practical as well as theoretical skills. If you are interested, please send a current transcript of records, a short CV, and a brief motivation (2-3 sentences) to Rahel Martjan (rahel martjan does-not-exist.kit edu).