Dr. Carsten Linz
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- Entrepreneurial Leadership & Innovation Management
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Trainer Profile Dr. Carsten Linz
Dr. Carsten Linz
carsten linz ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
cl ∂does-not-exist.carstenlinz com
Dr. Carsten Linz
Carsten Linz is a serial entrepreneur and new business developer with more than 15 years of experience in driving innovation and growth. He started and developed more than 20 ventures and launched several €100 mio. businesses. As Business Development Officer at SAP, he repeatable leads the incubation and build-up of the next-generation innovation businesses. He serves as advisory board member to the CEOs of several fast-growing companies and as investment committee member of Europe’s largest seed stage fund.
As Senior Lecturer in Master, MBA, and Executive-MBA courses, he teaches Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation Management at top-ranked business schools and universities across Europe. He is Adjunct Faculty Member at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology since 2012.
He has published books and articles in renowned journals and is a sought-after keynote speaker.
He supports social entrepreneurs at Social Impact Berlin.
Monographs, Books, Book Chapters
§ Linz, C./ Müller-Stewens, G./ Zimmermann, A. (2015): “Business Model Transformation: How Entrepreneurial Leaders Find Radical New Ways to Create Value”. London: Pearson, forthcoming.
§ Rank, S./ Linz, C./ Klees, F. (2015): “Change Monitoring als Befähiger für eine unternehmerische Geschäftsmodelltransformation“, in: Rank, S./ Neumann, J. (2015, eds): „Change Monitoring bei Veränderungen - Methoden und Praxisbeispiele“. Berlin: Springer, forthcoming.
§ Linz, C./ Fiegl, P. (2010): „Business Model Transformation towards the Service-Oriented Enterprise”, in: Chase, G. et. al. (2010, eds): “Applying Real-World Business Process Management”. Bonn: Galileo, 55-84.
§ Linz, C. (2006): “Creating a Roadmap with the ESA Adoption Program”, in: Woods, S./ Mattern, T. (2006, eds): “Enterprise SOA: Designing IT for Business Innovation”, Cambridge: O'Reilly, 171-188.
§ Linz, C. (2001): „Konzern als Gründer-Unternehmen: Revolutionäres Innovationsmanagement in beschleunigten Märkten“, Ph.D. diss, University Bern/ Switzerland, International Institute of Innovation Management, Wiesbaden: Gabler
§ Mirow, M., Linz, C. (2000): „Planung und Organisation von Innovationen aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive“, in: Häfliger, G. E./ Meier, J.D. (2000, eds): „Aktuelle Tendenzen im Innovationsmanagement“, Heidelberg: Springer, 249-268.
Academic Journals, Working/ Conference Papers
§ Linz, C./ Müller-Stewens, G./ Zimmermann, A. (2015): “Business Model Transformation: How Entrepreneurial Leaders Find Radical New Ways to Create Value”, in: MIT Sloan Management Review, forthcoming.
§ Linz, C./ Müller-Stewens, G. (2012): „Lösungsanbieterstrategien“, in: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 65/12, 1-24.
§ Linz, C. (2012): “Entrepreneurial Leadership: Bridging Start-up Practice & Academic Research”, paper presented at 3rd dialogin Conference: Global Leadership Competence, Konstanz/Germany, June 29, 2012.
§ Linz, C. (2009): „From Product towards Solution – Service Orientation and Solution Selling”, in: IBIS – Interoperability in Business Information Systems 3 (2) 2009, 31-35.
§ Souza, R./ Linz, C./Dengel, T. (2007): “Logistics Service Providers: An Institutional Perspective to LSP Innovation”, white paper, TLI White Paper Series, Vol. 6 – SCI02, Singapore, November 2006, 3-20.
§ Linz, C. (2009): „Vom Produkt zur Lösung: Transformation zum Solution Management und Solution Selling“, paper presented at Interoperability Forum: Produktivität im Vertriebsprozess durch Interoperabilität, Konstanz, Germany, April 2, 2009.
§ Linz, C. (2007): „Plattform-Strategien als Schlüssel zu agilen Organisationen“, paper presented at International SABRE Conference – Software Agents and Services for Business, Research and E-Sciences, Handelshochschule Leipzig/ Germany, September 26, 2007.
§ Linz, C. (2006): „Adaptive Organizations enabled through Platform Strategies”, paper presented at Think Logistics 2006, National University of Singapore/ The Logistics Institute Asia-Pacific, Singapore/Singapore, November 16, 2006.
Professional Journals and Editorials
§ Linz, C. (2013): „Tante Emma trifft Onkel Amazon", in Börsenblatt des Dt. Buchhandels, 35, 2013.
§ Linz, C. (2011): “Why Entrepreneurial Leadership is Making a Comeback”, in Forbes, June, 2011.
§ Linz, C. (2010): „Full Steam Ahead“, in SAP Spectrum, 1, 2010, 38-40.
§ Linz, C. (2009): “Service Oriented Architecture: From Buzz to Business”, in: SAP News, 9, 2009, 12-15.
§ Linz, C. (2009): „Service-Orientierte Architektur: Von Kundenverwirrung kann keine Rede sein“, in: Computerwoche, 8, 2009, 17-19.
§ Linz, C. (2009): “SOA – Sonderweg oder Erfolgsmodell?“, in ZDNet, July, 2009.
§ Linz, C. (2007): „Auf den richtigen Weg gebracht: Die Logistikbranche steht vor einem technologischen Umbruch“, in: SAP Info, 146, 72-74.
Attended Dissertations, Diploma, and Master Thesis
§ Oroumand, Z. (2013): „A Framework for Effective Business Incubation”, Master thesis, Hochschule Pforzheim University/ Germany
§ Becker, A. (2011): “Nutzenpotenziale und Herausforderungen Service-orientierter Architekturen”, Ph.D. dissertation, Technical University of Darmstadt/ Germany, Chair in Information Systems, Wiesbaden: Gabler.
§ Krishan, Radha (2010): “Deliver tangible Business Process Management by Process Based Applications”, Master thesis, Hochschule Furtwangen University/ Germany
§ Liu, Wei (2009): „Erfolgsfaktoren im Lösungsgeschäft“, Diploma thesis, University of Mannheim/ Germany
§ Schulze, S. (2009): „Entwurf eines Reifegradmodells für Hersteller SOA-basierter Softwaresysteme“, Diploma thesis, Technical University of Darmstadt/ Germany
§ Gibbert, M. (2002): “Crafting Strategy Imaginatively: An Integrated Framework based on a single-embedded Case Study, Ph.D. dissertation, University of St. Gallen, Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management (IFPM), Bamberg: Difo.
§ Ohlms, Chr. (2001): „The Future of the Semantic Web: A Perspective on the Market Adoption of Semantic Web Technologies”, Diploma thesis, Technical University of Darmstadt.
Board Memberships:
§ Social Impact Lab, Advisory Board Member
§ PantrosIP, Advisory Board Member
§ HighTech Gründerfonds, Investment Committee Member
Other University/ Business School Affiliations:
§ Mannheim Business School, Adjunct Faculty Member
§ University of Constance (HTWG), Adjunct Faculty Member
§ University of St. Gallen, Senior Lecturer