Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)


Course Content: 

This seminar explains important factors for becoming an entrepreneur and guides you through a structured process from the first business idea to a pitch of your final business model. Therefore, a business idea will be developed in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In small teams you create, develop, validate and present your business model. It simulates the basics of a start-up process up to the investor pitch.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, the course participants will be able to

  • Reflect on and define your personal and team core values
  • Reflect on and define your personal and team competencies
  • Reflect on and recall a definition for business opportunity
  • Define your field of interest for opportunity recognition using the UN SDGs
  • Analyze a specific domain to identify business opportunities
  • Develop a first draft for your business model by using the Business Model Canvas
  • Pitch / present your business idea


Registration is via the Wiwi portal.


Presentation + active participation + paper.

Target group:

Bachelor students

Language of instructionEnglish
Organisational issues

Registration is via the Wiwi portal.

In the seminar you will work on a project in teams of max. 5 persons. The groups are formed in the seminar