Ideation process for tech based innovations - Quantitative

  • Date:immediately
  • Supervisor:

    Sarah Manthey

  • Masterthesis: Ideation process for tech-based Innovation (Quantitativ

Master Thesis

  • Title: Ideation process for tech-based Innovation (Quantitative)
  • Subject: Identify and analyse the ideation process for new/ existing technologies to find new applications
  • Type: Masterthesis
  • Date: Starting now (October 2021)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis
  • Person in Charge: Sarah Manthey, PhD Candidate

Technology push can be characterised as a process triggered by internal or external research, with the objective to commercialise the use of new know-how or specific new technology. The approach is based on the assumption that "more R&D in" results in "more successful new products out" [Rothwell, (1994), p.8]. The description of this phenomenon from Berkhout et al. (2010, p.481) is often reflected in the view of many companies: "If we invest enough in science and technology, the rest will work out right".

To make it short: Finding new applications/ application areas for existing or new technologies.

Goal of this theses is to define, collect and analyse existing literature (also grey literature) to identify ideation techniques/ tools/ methods/ processes currently used to tackle this issue.

The data may be collected by a survey, but also other forms are possible. We will discuss this in person.


Aslani, A., H. Eftekhari, M. Hamidi, and B. Nabavi. 2015. commercialization Methods of a New Product/Service in ICT Industry: Case of a Science & Technology Park. Organizacija 48 (2): 131-138.

Danneels, E. and Frattini, F. (2018). Finding applications for technologies beyond the core business. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(3):73-78.

Jolly, V. K. (1997). Commercializing new technologies: getting from mind to market. Harvard Business Press.

Souder, W. E. (1989). Improving productivity through technology push. Research-Technology Management, 32(2):19-24.

Terzidis, O. and Vogel, L. (2018). A unified model of the technology push process and its application in a workshop setting. In Technology Entrepreneurship: 111-135. Springer.