KIT Entrepreneurship Talks

  • Typ: Vorlesung (V)
  • Lehrstuhl: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • Semester: SS 2014
  • Zeit: 16.04.2014
    16:45 - 17:15 wöchentlich
    10.11 Hertz 10.11 Verwaltungsgebäude, Hauptbau

  • Dozent: Prof.Dr. Orestis Terzidis
    Dr. André Presse
  • SWS: 1
  • LVNr.: 2545023



In der 30-minütigen Ringvorlesung „KIT Entrepreneurship Talks“ berichten inspirierende Gründer- und Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten aus der Wirtschaft von ihren Gründungserfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Branchen. Die Gastredner stehen Rede und Antwort und berichten praxisnah von ihren Erfahrungen.

 Die E-Talks finden ab sofort immer mittwochs von 16.45 Uhr bis 17.15 Uhr statt.

Termine und Themen:

16.04.   Anne Siebold & Dominik Stober: Center for Entrepreneurship (CIE)
Anne and Dominik will present the work at the highly visible center on campus acting as an start up incubator and student entrepreneurship consulting center with an welcoming office space.


23.04.   Dr. Gary Davidson: Incella
Gary Davidson is a co-founder of Incella GmbH, a start-up company based at the KIT HighTech Inkubator, which focuses on gene delivery. He will talk about how an interdisciplinary research project initiated with co-fonder Pavel Levkin rapidly led to the creation of a product and a business.


30.04. Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle: Experience the way and deviation of founding a company
The speaker refers about founding her and her partners company - from the finding of an idea towards the only recently completed founding of the Falquez, Pantle and Pritz GbR. The company is dedicated to fight noise. In order to do this it is developing and marketing the Cloud-based simulation platform NUBERISIM for technical simulation with focus on flow-induced noise prediction.

The speaker will be highlighting several aspects of the preparation of the prerequisites for founding the company. She will stress as well the roles of Know-how, play instinct, ignorance, idealism, disillusion, network and conicidence in the whole process


07.05. Adrian Runte: 15 years of entrepreneurial experience - 15 lessons learned
Adrian Runte, currently CEO and co-founder of Reposito, will speak about the most valuable lessons he learned while building four companies over the past 15 years in a fast-paced talk.


14.05. Dr. Ulrich Schmitz: Axel Springer Plug and Play
Ulrich Schmitz worked for Mannesmann and Vodafone since 1994. In 2001 he joined Axel Springer and held several management positions within in the group. Currently he is CTO of Axel Springer’s Electronic Media Division, which manages a broad portfolio of shareholdings in the digital business. As managing director of Axel Springer Digital Ventures and the Axel Springer Plug and Play Accelerator he is also responsible for early stage investments of the group.


21.05.    Dr. Edward Verlander: The Value Proposition in Business Consulting
Dr. Edward Verlander is the Managing Director of EG Verlander & Associates. He worked at Lex Electronics and Goldman Sach and has more than 20 years experience as a management consultant. In his talk he will explain the value proposition of business consulting and share how the work as business consultant inspires him.


28.05.  No Entrepreneurship Talk

04.06. Jonathan Denner: Netsyno Software GmbH

11.06. Martin Welker: The 3 dirty secrets of entrepreneurship
Starting your own business is difficult. About 9 of 10 startups fail in the first 2 years. Martin Welker, Serial entrepreneur and founder of the International Software Vendor Axonic explains secrets of entrepreneurship people don’t want to talk about but you better know before starting our own business.


18.06. Tobias Knecht from Abusix: Accelerate the American Way
What makes US Entrepreneurs different? Venture Capital, Company Building, Scaling, Social Interaction and much more. A rough overview from a first time, venture backed CEO.

25.06. Dr. Harald Maser: PflugerPartner GmbH
Dr. Harald Maser is head of Restructuring & Valuation of PflugerPartner, located in Karlsruhe. Mr. Maser speaks about bankers’ demands for giving fresh money in the situation of poor performance. The most rigorous and fearful instrument, the Restructuring Concept according IDW S6, will be explained. This is very L by management and owners because of their loss of control and execution power for an interim period.


02.07 Mateo FreudenthalSales: How to build a Monetization Monkey behind your Gamechaning Technology
Mateo Freudenthal is founder of the startup Honestly located in Karlsruhe. Honestly offers a mobile app, via which companies receive direct feedback of a client using a mobile application. The end customers can complete a feedback form for a service received via the Android app, iPhone app or the mobile web site of Honestly, so that companies can then evaluate these feedbacks via the platform. At the E-Talk Mateo talks about the importance of sales in the startup development process.


09.07. Alexander Fauck: Technologiefabrik
As an exeption, this session will be held in German only.

Does and Don´ts für Gründer. 
Ein Unternehmen zu gründen ist eine besondere Herausforderung, die vielfältige Anforderungen an Gründerinnen und Gründer stellt. Doch warum sind einige Gründer erfolgreicher als andere? Welche Fehler gilt es zu vermeiden? Und worauf sollte unbedingt geachtet werden? Diese und weitere Fragen werden im Rahmen des Talks beantwortet. Alexander Fauck ist Geschäftsführer der Karlsruher Technologiefabrik, die als Gründerzentrum bis heute über 340 Unternehmen begleitet hat. Im Rahmen des Talks fließen diese Erfahrungen mit ein. 

Die KIT Entrepreneurship Talks finden immer mittwochs von 16.45 - 17.15 Uhr im Hertz-Hörsaal (Geb. 10.11) direkt im Anschluss an die Entrepreneurship Vorlesung statt, die Vortragssprache ist Englisch.