Creative thinking and behavioural freedom

  • Subject:Kreatives Denken und Verhaltensfreiheit
  • Type:Masterarbeit
  • Date:ab sofort (Februar 2020)
  • Supervisor:

    Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis

  • Person in Charge:Robert Gerlach, Kreativitätstrainer, IQudo® sport of ideas

Master thesis : Development and implementation of a psychometric study on organisational creativity

In 2012, Stanford professor Tina Seelig wrote: "Creative spaces lead to creative work!" Cosy sofas or a slide à la Google are supposed to promote mental flexibility. However, we were unable to confirm this thesis in the IQudo Idea Generation Study 3.0 conducted at KIT. As part of a master's thesis, 155 engineers at Daimler AG were asked where they get their best ideas. Result: For the engineers who were creative at their workplace, freedom of behavior (16%) was more important than room design (0%). Other factors promoting ingenuity were: Passion for the job, inspiring colleagues, and required creativity. We intend to re-examine the psychometric results from 2016 with this call.


Socio-cultural factors such as behavioral freedom or colleagues stimulate creative thinking more than creative space design.


What is behavioural freedom? How does behavioural freedom affect creativity? What factors promote creative thinking in the workplace?

Research Area

- Analysis of existing research on creativity in organizations in general and specifically on behavioral freedom and spatial design.

- Study Design. Design and implementation of a psychometric study on factors influencing creative thinking in the workplace.


as of now (March 4, 2021)

Theses on organizational creativity at KIT

-A systematic literature review on the influence of coopetition in teams on performance and an operationalization of the construct coopetition in teams in relation to performance (Steinle, 2020, Bachelor Thesis).

- Interpersonal chemistry and its influence on organizational creativity (Kind, 2016, master's thesis)


Dipl.-Wirt-Ing. Robert Gerlach, Founder IQudo® sport of ideas,Email: r.gerlach∂,

Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis, Head of the EnTechnon,Email: orestis.terzidis∂


Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis, Head of the EnTechnon,Email: orestis.terzidis∂

If interested, please email Robert and Benedict together using their email addresses.