Business Planning for Founders (KIC)

  • Typ: Seminar (S)
  • Lehrstuhl: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • Semester: WS 14/15
  • Zeit: 31.10.2014
    09:00 - 13:00 einmalig
    20.13 HS 001 20.13 Kollegium am Schloss - Bau III

    09:00 - 16:00 einmalig
    20.12 Raum 002 20.12 Kollegium am Schloss - Bau II

    10:00 - 17:00 einmalig
    20.12 Raum 002 20.12 Kollegium am Schloss - Bau II

  • Dozent:

  • SWS: 2
  • LVNr.: 2545009

This seminar introduces basic concepts of business planning for entrepreneurs to the participants. It focusses on practical concepts and hands-on-methods on how to turn business ideas into solid businesses (e.g. Business Modelling, Market Potential, Planning of Ressorces, and further more) and on the creation of a realistic and viable Business Plan (with or without Venture Capital). The seminar will be held in English and is primarily for ENTECH (KIC Innoenergy) students.

The content of this seminar is pretty simular to our German seminars called "Geschäftsplanung für Gründer".